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New Hampshire Imposes Limitations on Employers’ Gun Control

Effective January 1, 2025, New Hampshire will reduce the amount of control that employers have over employees storing firearms and ammunition in their personal vehicles.

This law applies to any public or private employer that receives public funds from the state or federal government, whether that be payment, grants, etc. These employers will now be restricted from:

  1. Prohibiting an employee from storing a legal firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle. This applies when the employee is entering/exiting the property or parking on the property, provided neither is visible and the vehicle is locked.
  2. Requiring an employee to divulge whether or not his or her vehicle has a firearm or ammunition inside.
  3. Searching any employee’s vehicle for a firearm or ammunition.
  4. Taking adverse action against an employee who has a firearm or ammunition in his or her vehicle.

Employers will not be responsible for any damages including theft. This law does not allow an employee to carry a firearm anywhere carrying a firearm is prohibited by law.